Each of us are a well of infinite possibility.

Unearthing, revealing, and expressing this gift is our purpose.  

At Well of Being, I offer guidance and healing on your journey of self discovery.

Offerings of the Well of Being

Soul Clarity Coaching &

Remote Energy Clearing

At the highest level our Spirit is ALWAYS guiding us from within and beyond.

As an intuitive energy healer, I am here to support you on your journey to clear blocks and awaken to the healer, guide, and master that lies within YOU!!!

I integrate channeled messages, light language activation, & remote energy clearing to open your connection with Spirit.

At the highest level all healing, physical and emotional, is rooted to our connection with Spirit.

Soul Clarity Coaching

~ 1 hour coaching sessions (phone / recorded) with direct channeling,

energy healing activations, & practical guidance

~ Continuous support between sessions through energy healing &

open connection to ask questions of Spirit

~ Offered as 6 or 12 week healing journey

~ Investment in Self: $999 / $1999

~ Payment Plans Available

Remote Energy Clearing with Soul Clarity Connection

~ 30 minutes of remote energy clearing with follow-up messages from Spirit

~ Directly channeled message diving deeper into specific questions or aspects

of your life you wish to have insight into

~ Investment in Self: $99

Energy Healing, Channeling, & Light Language

Energy healing, channeling, and light language are at the heart of Well of Being.

Since 2009, I have been an open channel. This allows wisdom, insight, and guidance to be passed from other Spirit beings and realms. In addition, my gift of light language allows me to communicate energetic frequencies to support healing at every level Body, Mind, and Spirit.

I have launched a YouTube channel as a space for channeled messages, Light Language, and more MAGIC 💫 Subscribe today at


Painting Megan Jefferson, Sculpture Expansion by Paige Bradley

Into the Well of Being: A Poetry Journey / Oracle

The poetry within this book is a direct download from Spirit during a creative rebirth May 2022-March 2023. The poems align to visible creations within the space of Well of Being.

Every piece / poem carries messages to align you to the wisdom of your unique Spirit.

May they inspire you on your own journey of awakening and expansion of your infinite creative potential!

This book is a compilation of poetry (111 poems!) and selected images (22!) from within the Well of Being.

In my new YouTube video series, I use the book of poetry as an oracle. Whichever poem/piece Spirit chooses we journey there to receive channeled messages and light language!

Tune in on YouTube 💫

  • Are you feeling blocked?

    Does it feel like what you seek is just out of reach?

    Are you ready to open your life to the next level?!

  • Through energy healing we clear blocks.

    This allows your soul to clarify the next steps of your journey.

    In our coaching sessions we explore this wisdom and continue the process of energy activation and healing.

  • Everything is energy.

    As you clear and upgrade your energy field, healing follows.

    You will experience this at every level: Body, Mind, and Spirit.

I am beyond grateful to have followed my intuition to start working with Melissa after discovering her on YouTube.

I am doing deep inner healing, and could not have asked for a more loving, supportive, authentic, gifted healer to help guide me.

I’ve made great strides in my work with her, and am excited for what will unfold as we continue to work together.

Thank you, Melissa! 

Anne Marie Nestor

“I am finding more consistent joy in my own creative processes.

I am finding more endurance to complete projects with joy.

I am believing more and more that I belong, and deserve loving friendships.  

I can still be myself around large groups of people, without having to prove anything. 

I continue to practice self-love daily so that I might dissolve the rust from my wings bit by bit.  I don’t doubt that I will find myself able to fly again in this life.  

—Jaymie ~ Rusted Butterfly

In addition to numerous creative, and emotional shifts, I have tapped into a deeper well of inner guidance.  The inspiration this experience has brought to my life can also be measured in the changes in my family.  As I have shifted, I can see they have also, and this is my heart's greatest joy.  

— Charla E.

“I see the world differently.  I believe that there is a grand shift occurring and that it is for the greater good.  I do not stress as much about everything that happens. My dreams are more peaceful and sometimes more expansive. “

— Claudia N.